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What are FfL-friendly ingredients?

You’ll see the phrase “check for FfL-friendly ingredients” throughout many of our recipes and even some topics and posts. This simply means choosing foods that are made with whole or minimally processed ingredients.

Peanut butter (because it’s often filled with unnecessary, highly processed ingredients) is a great example of a food we would suggest you check for FfL-friendly ingredients. Rather than just grabbing one off the shelf, take a minute to intentionally look for one that is made with only FfL-friendly, real-food ingredients (the nut itself and a small amount salt). If you’re unsure where to start and want to learn how to cut out processed food and nourish yourself and your family in a realistic, manageable way, check out Healthy Eating Made Simple: A Busy Woman’s Guide.

Getting healthy meals on the table feels impossible. How can I make this happen?

We get it! We used to feel tired, overwhelmed and stressed about feeding our family healthy, homemade meals and snacks too. The thing is, consistently preparing and feeding your family real food on a daily basis, without spending excess amounts of time in the kitchen, shouldn’t feel impossible—and it doesn’t have to!

Our easy-to-implement (but effective) system focuses on mastering habits and routines that make food prep work for YOUR LIFE so that you feel calm and totally in control of snack and mealtime. If this is something you struggle with, then Meal Prep Made Easy is for YOU!

How can I get my family to eat real food?

A few years ago, we received emails weekly from readers who were trying to get their families on board with healthier eating. The constant struggle after hours of labored love in the kitchen (all in the name of health), was causing so many women to dread mealtime. We related to the feeling because we struggled with this too, which is why we felt it imperative to share a solid plan of action that has allowed us to feed our family nutritious meals, without stress or constant pushback from picky eaters.

If you want to learn practical ways to “sneak” a little extra nourishment into meals without having to coerce your family into eating food they find unappealing, then Simple Secrets to Getting Your Family Eating Real Food is for YOU! The end result will be nourishing, peaceful family meals, putting an end to the dinnertime drama once and for all.

How can I create a healthy relationship with food?

There is a place for EVERYTHING in your diet. Yes, everything! You shouldn’t have to completely eliminate carbs, say no to a glass of wine with friends, log every calorie consumed or skip meals entirely. Eating should be a positive experience; a celebration of tastes, textures and smells; and something that brings you joy. When you’re able to ditch the all-or-nothing restrictions surrounding diets, it allows you to establish a healthy relationship with food. If you’ve had “getting my eating under control” on your to-do list for quite some time, but every time you try you end up right back where you started, feeling depressed, defeated and having your weight yo-yo, you’ll want to check out our Break Free From Emotional Eating course.

You have a lot of content on the blog, why should I invest in a course?

Probably the most important thing to consider before investing in a course is this: What are my biggest struggles and what do I want to achieve as an end result? If you’re looking for a few nuggets of amazing information, then the blog is a great place to start. If you’re looking for a plan to achieve long-term success, then one of our courses will have that plan for you! 

It’s like deciding if you want to learn to meal prep. What do you want that to look like? Is your goal to simply whip up a few freezer-friendly recipes? Or do you want to take it further, learning different cooking techniques and strategies to simplify mealtime so you no longer need to rely on ultra-processed food? The level of knowledge you want to gain will help you determine if you want to invest your time and money into something more.

My budget is pretty tight right now. Are the courses offered really worth the price?

It can be scary to invest in yourself. Rest assured that the value of the course content, videos, bonuses and exclusive members-only group far exceed the price of each course that’s offered. The practical lessons and ideas found in each course will literally pay for themselves within a day of applying them. That’s why we offer a 100% happiness guarantee.

If, after following a course and applying the lessons as described, you haven’t developed new habits, skills and strategies, contact us within 14 days of your purchase, detailing what course you are taking and why the course isn’t right for you, and we’ll refund your investment right away.

Why are the majority of your courses delivered through Teachable?

Most of our course materials are delivered digitally through an easy-to-access, password-protected, members-only platform called Teachable. We chose Teachable because it is an extremely user-friendly platform, is safe and secure and provides amazing support, if necessary. As soon as you enroll in one of our courses hosted on Teachable, you will receive an email with a link to create an account (if you’re new on Teachable). You can then log in to the site and have instant access to all videos and course materials.

I struggle with accountability; how can I stick to making better choices?

The best way to make healthy choices is by intentionally taking steps (big or small) toward feeling your best, both inside and out. However, this can sometimes feel overwhelming. Maybe it’s because you’re overloaded at work and home, or because you just don’t have clear direction of where to focus your efforts.

If you’re so busy trying to keep up with the everyday whirlwind that you don’t prioritize your own healthy habits and personal goals, then we encourage you to check out The Healthy Living Log. This SIMPLE but POWERFUL system makes it easy to focus, form good habits and prioritize yourself more.

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