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How to Look and Feel 10 Years Younger – Slow Aging with These Simple Tips

Do you want to slow the aging process by looking younger? Try these simple tips! We promise they work!
Mom and I in garden

Who doesn't want to look and feel 10 years younger - we know we do!

The best beauty advice we’ve ever received has been from our mothers. I (Pam) grew up hearing my mom preach these tips. It may have annoyed me at times, but when I became a mother, I heard myself saying the same things, and now, Kalie has followed suit. I have practiced these effective strategies for years, and today, on my 65th birthday, I can tell you they’ve been essential in looking and feeling 10 years younger. They really work!

Watch the video below to find out how to defy time - no matter what your age.

Embrace the power of posture.

Standing up straight and sitting up tall will make you look slimmer, appear more self-confident (and we all know if you look good you FEEL GOOD) and help strengthen your core. It’s like an ab workout without ever hitting the floor. Truth be told, it helps prevent you from shrinking as you get older… and neither you, nor I, want to resemble the Hunchback of Notre Dame.

  • Sit or stand tall, lengthening your spine.
  • Drop your shoulders away from your ears.
  • Draw your shoulder blades together in the back and open your chest.
  • Tuck your chin back.

ALWAYS take your makeup off before bed.

In all my years, I’ve never gone to bed without washing my face. Even if I’m sick, tired or I’ve had a couple glasses of wine and forget to take my shoes off, I wash my face. Find a good face wash (not a bar of soap) and make it a part of your nightly routine. Your future skin will thank you.

Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize.

That plump, firm feeling in your face after moisturizing isn’t an illusion. Moisturizing helps your skin stay young, healthy, vibrant and fights wrinkles. Studies have found that people who hydrate their skin by moisturizing regularly accumulate wrinkles at a fraction of the rate of those with dry skin. Some of the most delicate areas of your skin are your face, your neck and your chest.

Drink LOTS of water.

Ample amounts of water give your skin a healthy, hydrated appearance; aid in energy and digestion; and help you feel full so you don’t overeat. Drink a big glass of water every morning and at each meal. We try to keep a refillable water bottle, like this one, with us whenever we’re on the go and add a few strawberries or cucumber slices to give it a boost of flavor. Give it a try!

Exercise most days - even if just for a few minutes.

The benefits of exercise are endless. It even releases a compound that helps prevent cell death – hello glowing complexion. We aim to fit some sort of exercise in each day. Our weekly goal is three solid 30-minute workouts, and on off days, or if we just can’t find the time, we squeeze in at least a few minutes of exercise (we like to call these mini workouts). Every little bit counts, and as you age, your body will thank you. With time, our bodies become less and less mobile. We want to stall this process by staying active. We have quite a few workouts and posts on fitness – they’re just a click away!

Focus on eating foods that repair, replenish and refuel you.

You’ve heard the old adage, “You are what you eat.” Your diet most definitely impacts your physical appearance and, believe it or not, this isn’t just in terms of weight. One perfect example is foods such as berries and vegetables that are rich in antioxidants and essential nutrients, which decrease inflammation, keep your skin resilient and youthful, and help protect you from disease later on in life. We have lots of tasty, delicious recipes to help you look and feel vibrant – check them out!

Invest in some sexy sun gear.

While a side gig as a sun goddess may sound appealing, the damage it does to your skin is irreversible. SAY NO to wrinkles and sun spots. Enjoy the sunshine under an umbrella, invest in a super cute beach hat, wear polarized shades and lather up with SPF (yes, even your hands). After 64 years, this has made ALL the difference in minimizing the amount of sun spots that have shown up on my face, chest and hands.

Take time for yourself.

Caring for yourself is important – and you deserve it! Take a few minutes out of every day to focus on yourself. Do something that refuels you – meditate, step outside to enjoy the sunset for two minutes or curl up with a book before bed. Little things can go a long way and alleviate a notorious ager – STRESS.

Get your beauty sleep.

Sleep rejuvenates you and gives you a refreshed look (and outlook). It can make a HUGE difference in how you tackle your day and aids in making healthier choices (such as saying no to junk food), which can affect you long-term. Aim for 7-8 hours a night.

Aging is inevitable, but it's never too late to start slowing the clock!

These healthy practices will allow you to look and feel 10 years younger. They’ve helped slow and even prevent some of the “not-so-fun” aspects of aging and have contributed immensely to my overall health and happiness and they can for you too!

Let’s age gracefully — together!
TAGS: Beauty
Cheers to a healthy lifestyle and living FULLforLife!
xo, Pam & Kalie

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  1. Kimberly

    Happy Birthday, Pammy!

  2. Lisa

    Wonderful messages!! Thank you!


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