Home » Workouts » Ladder Challenge (20 or 40 Minutes — You Choose)

Ladder Challenge (20 or 40 Minutes — You Choose)

The Workout

Today we’re going to challenge ourselves with a 30-minute ladder workout. This exclusive workout is the perfect routine to burn fat, improve metabolic health and increase VO2 max levels. With a series of fifteen dynamic movements, you’ll sculpt your entire body. If you’re short on time, cut back on sets with the suggested substitution below. This workout is flexible and can be done anywhere, anytime.


  • 20 minute option for when you’re tight on time
  • 40 minute option for a full-length workout

Areas of Focus

  • Total body

What You'll Need

  • One light dumbbell; 3-8 pounds
  • Two heavy dumbbells; 5-15 pounds
  • An exercise mat (optional)


  • Begin with your FULLfitness Warmup.
  • After completing the workout, enjoy your FULLfitness Cooldown.
  • If you’re unsure how to conduct an exercise, click on the exercise below.
  • Always do what you can. Push yourself to do your personal best – whatever that may be!

Workout Instructions

30-40 Minute Workout:

The goal is to start at the top and work your way down the ladder but each time you complete an exercise, you start back up at the top. You can choose any number to begin with, depending on how intense and challenging you want your workout to be.

  • Example: 15 butt kicks; 15 butt kicks and add 14 mountain climbers; 15 butt kicks, 14 mountain climbers and add 13 reverse crunches. Get the gist?! This is a great workout you can do anywhere!

20-Minute Workout:

For an entirely different workout, start with 15, work your way down to 1. See how many rounds you can complete in 20 minutes. Challenge yourself on a different day to beat your previous record.

Challenge yourself. Work hard. Break a sweat. Achieve your goals!


  • Boat Pose- Rather than elevating feet, touch toes to the ground for added stability.
  • Burpee– Step each foot back into plank position rather than jumping feet simultaneously.
  • High Knees– Use slow, controlled high steps rather than fast movements.
  • Lunge Jumps – Alternating Forward Lunges.
  • Mountain Climbers – Use slow, controlled steps rather than fast movements.
  • Push Ups – Substitute Knee Push Ups.
  • Tricep Push Ups– Substitute Tricep Knee Push Ups.
  • Squat Jumps– Keep feet planted on the ground and do a regular squat rather than jumping.
  • Up Down Planks– Substitute Static Plank.
After finishing your workout, don’t forget to thank your amazing body for all its hard work!
Cheers to a healthy lifestyle and living FULLforLife!
xo, Pam & Kalie

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